Hello, plastic-free oceans!

We said what

Episode Summary

What we mean when we say a circular plastics economy.

Episode Notes

Malin and Jane reflect on the notion of a circular plastics economy, and how tight it is connected this episode's name. We said what?


Call To Action: submit your favorite circular plastic solutions as voicemail to oceanalliance@hsr.se



Artwork: Giancarlo Mitidieri 

Jingle: Frans Sjöberg 

Episode Transcription

Do you ever feel that the talk about circular economy is confusing and that you just can’t wrap your head around it? 

Yeah, circular economy, circularity, the flow of resources… I got you! And, talking about circular economy as a concept – there are more than 100 definitions to it.

Like, it’s soo different from the usual way of operating and consuming today.. But it’s not only about those processes, it’s also about us as individuals in society, policy making, rules and regulations, trade, markets and much more!

It’s about our mindset and how we see stuff.

Mhm, and adding to that is us talking about circular economy as a concept framed around commodities, such as plastics.

Yeah, and that’s how we came up with the name of this episode: we said what?!

Haha, yeah! So Jane, what have we – and all of our guests in the podcast so far – said?

Let’s do a recap on our first three episodes: plastics loop, we are leaking and two rs. Actually, when I come to think about it, the titles of those three episodes says it all together. Putting plastics in repeating loops – and in that from a holistic point of view, also look at what comes out of the system and yet isn’t circulating back – and how reuse and recycle comes into the picture. 

Yeah! But Jane, I don’t think we’ve ever talked about how we see a circular economy. What would be your shortest explanation?

A repeated flow of resources. In other words the output goes input! It’s of course more complex than that, but you asked for the shortest explanation, haha!

Yep, got it! And in a circular plastics economy, we’re still talking about input and output narrowed down to focus on plastics, and also other materials that could be used as a substitute to plastics. 

Yeah, like as we’re looking to reduce our plastic footprint, we’ll automatically look at rethinking material choices, redesign products for a longer lifespan before it even gets to recycling – and of course – with no leakage. 

Yep, this was a quick episode with Jane and I, about what a circular economy is (briefly speaking) and what we mean when we talk about a circular plastics economy. 

Today, we have a call to action for all our listeners! Submit your favourite circular plastic solution as a voice mail to oceanalliance@hsr.se and we’ll make an episode on it!